Atek – is a super modern Figma template for IT Solution and Technology websites. This template comes with a very modern and clean user interface. We designed this template especially for IT services, technology, cyber
security, IT solutions, and consulting companies related to any business website. This template includes 34+ well-designed pages in Figma, which are super easy to edit and customize to fit your needs. It’s based on the 1320px Grid System. Try
Atek and build an amazing website today. You can easily replace any picture with your own one in just a few clicks. Thank you for purchasing If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email, me via
my user page contact form or put a ticket at the Support Center.
Images used in the demo are not included for download, these images are copyrighted, if you are planning to use the photos we can provide the links to buy the license. If you have a moment, please rate this item. We’ll
appreciate it very much!